Fuck your champion 6.0
Fuck your champion 6.0

fuck your champion 6.0

Oberyn assists his paramour Ellaria in choosing a whore for her own enjoyment before selecting Olyvar to satisfy himself. It doesn't take Tyrion long to realize that Oberyn is in one of Littlefinger's brothels. The Dornish lords tell Tyrion that Oberyn in fact arrived in the city before dawn. Tyrion Lannister meets the lords of Dorne outside King's Landing, only to find out that Oberyn will be representing House Martell at the king's wedding, and not his brother, the ruling Prince Doran. Oberyn selects prostitutes upon his arrival.

fuck your champion 6.0

ĭespite their very different personalities, he was also close to his older brother, Doran. He also developed a resentment toward his deceased brother-in-law Rhaegar Targaryen for (from Oberyn's perspective) being unfaithful to Elia and "stealing away another woman", which in turn led to a war that cost all of them their lives. As a result, he had a strong and fierce hatred for House Lannister, especially towards Tywin Lannister, whom he believed ordered his sister's murder. He was very close with his sister, Elia, and took her death very hard.

fuck your champion 6.0

It is implied that Oberyn fought duels in the infamous fighting pits of Meereen, as he mentions to Tyrion that he learned some of his combat techniques "during his years in the fighting pits." ĭespite his wayward ways and liberal attitude towards sexuality, Oberyn was very devoted to his family, telling his lover Ellaria that any other person would always have to wait behind her for his affection. He lived in Essos for a total of five years. He once went to the city of Astapor and saw the Unsullied there, whom he later remarked were impressive on the battlefield, but less so in the bedroom. For a time, he served in the mercenary company known as the Second Sons. Oberyn also traveled to Essos in his youth. Oberyn won the duel, and several days later the man died from festering wounds, likely because Oberyn had poisoned his blade. When he was sixteen, an older nobleman caught Oberyn in bed with his mistress and wife, and challenged Oberyn to a duel to first blood. Although he ultimately grew bored and abandoned his studies, he managed to forge several links in a maester's chain, and became well versed in the use of poisons in the process. Prince Oberyn trained at the Citadel in his youth, in order to become a maester. Cersei finally showed them Tyrion, but the Martell siblings were disappointed to see that he was merely a baby, and somewhat disturbed by Cersei's already strong hatred of him. While there, Oberyn and Elia were eager to see the "monster" that had just been born. When he was a teenager, Oberyn accompanied his sister Elia on a visit to Casterly Rock. He named the fifth one, Elia Sand, after his late sister. She was also the mother of four of Oberyn's infamous eight bastard daughters, all of whom he has acknowledged and given his love and care. Oberyn was known for being an accomplished warrior, but he was just as infamous for his sexual appetite, which extends to both men and women Tyrion Lannister tells Bronn that Oberyn is "famous for fucking half of Westeros." Oberyn's paramour was Ellaria Sand she is his wife in all but name, and Doran once noted that Ellaria made Oberyn very happy. Prince Oberyn was the younger brother of Prince Doran Martell and Princess Elia Martell, and like most members of House Martell, he was styled "Prince" instead of "Lord." He was nicknamed "the Red Viper" for his knowledge of poisons and for his unusual, deadly style of combat.

Fuck your champion 6.0